ABOUT ME: I'm currently a full-time graduate student who is pursuing a Master of Science. I'm still thinking where I would like to go in my life. :) For many reasons, I'm keeping my identity private. However, I don't bite! Feel free to talk to me!
ABOUT THE BLOG: Because I need to devote so much time to studying during the school year, my posts will be erratic. I hope to post at least once a week though. During school breaks, I aim to post at least twice a week.
I hope you enjoy my blog and bear with me as I become more experienced in both blogging and photographing swatches! :) My poses and lighting tend to change as I find better ways to photograph.
Bloglovin': http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/5268833
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lelacquerhookup
Instagram: http://instagram.com/lelacquerhookup
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/romancedelaluna/
Tumblr: http://lelacquerhookup.tumblr.com/
CONTACT: If you would like to ask me something or have me review your products, please contact me at lelacquerhookup@gmail.com. Also, please review my disclosure policy that is located under the "Disclosure Policy" page.
SPECIAL THANKS TO: Every Little Polish for the social media icons.
See you guys on the other side of the day!