Hi everyone! I've recently gotten into making nail polish jewelry! (I couldn't stop after "Green Myth". It's wonderful seeing something you imagine materialize.) I buy my supplies in bulk so I have quite a few jewelry pieces laying around. I figured that I would start a series showcasing them on Wednesdays since they're known as "Hump Days". (This series will not be weekly, however. Posts will be posted when I find the time for them.) Wednesdays are in the middle of the work week, sandwiched between Monday, After Monday, Before Friday, and Friday. I'm also always looking for something creative to do in order to protect and keep my sanity. :P (Science kills!!! ...And takes away souls.)
The first 10 jewelry pieces are rings that feature my experiments. I wanted to see how certain layerings and polishes would look like before making rings for myself. These rings will be saved and be given as gifts for relatives and friends. (Last-minute gifts, anyone? I know I'm not the only one.)
This series' first piece is "Snow on Petal Blossom". I thought the glitter polish, which has silvery white hexes and silver microglitter, looked like fallen snow on a freshly-blossomed, pale pink petal.
*gasp* Naked nails! |
I used OPI Pirouette My Whistle and OPI Don't Burst My Bubble. I think I'll use this combination again when making a piece for myself. I really adore this delicate pairing.
What do you think of this new series? I'd love to know!
See you guys on the other side of the day!