
Saturday, January 19, 2013

A New Start

Hi guys!

I finally jumped the bullet and reformatted the blog! I've been thinking of doing this for months now (the new blog name and banner somewhat more recently though) and I'm so glad I finally just did it! Originally, the "tm" in the former blog name stood for my now-roommate and my first initials. We were going to do a Japanese subculture (what she likes) and nail polish (what I like) blog, but things fell through and she was too busy and actually not really interested in blogging. (Not hating on her! Just the truth.) "Romance de la Luna", as I've said before, is taken from a romance (Spanish for "ballad") by Gustavo Adolfo Becquer. (It was called "La Romance de la Luna, Luna".) I wanted to avoid any possible legal issues, especially now that my blog will most likely live for at least a few more years. I hope all of you are still here with me! Blogger does not give me the option of redirecting sites. :(

I am looking forward to this new start! :D

See you guys on the other side of the day!


P.S. I know there's a kink in my background. I'm working on fixing it ASAP.

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